Agreement on collection and Use of Persnal (Credit) Information
Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
■ Offer and sell the company’s products and services, introduce campaigns and promotion events, market research
Items of Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
■ Personal identification information (name, resident registration number, alien registration number, address, occupation, phone number, email address), insurance policy and insurance payment related information
Use and Retention Period of Personal (Credit) Information: 1 year
Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
■ Offer and sell the company’s products and services, introduce campaigns and promotion events, market research
※ Right to disagree
· Please agree if you wish to receive information on other insurance related services or new offers. The insurance policy can take effect even if you do not agree.
※ Withdrawal of Agreement Regarding the Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
· You may withdraw your Agreement Regarding the Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information any time even after providing your agreement by calling 1588-5114 or via written request
※ Do-Not Call Request
· You may request to suspend marketing activities any time even after providing your agreement by calling 1588-5114 or Do not Call Center (
Agreement on Provision of Personal(Credit) Information
Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
■ Insurance collector: Offer and sell the company’s products and services, introduce campaigns and promotion events (includes visit, mail, email, phone call, SMS), market research.
Content of Personal (Credit) Information
■ Insurance collector: Information mentioned in “1. Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information.”
Use and Retention Period of Personal (Credit) Information: 1 year
Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
■ Insurance collector: Use and retention period mentioned in “1. Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information.”
■ Affiliates and others: Maximum three years from the date of agreement.
※ Right to disagree
· Please agree if you wish to receive information on other insurance related services or new offers. The insurance policy can take effect even if you do not agree.
※ Withdrawal of Agreement Regarding the Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information
· You may withdraw your Agreement Regarding the Collection and Use of Personal (Credit) Information any time even after providing your agreement by calling 1588-5114 or via written request
※ Do-Not Call Request
· You may request to suspend marketing activities any time even after providing your agreement by calling 1588-5114 or Do not Call Center (